10 Top Tips For Maximising The Performance Of Your Legal Blog
If you have a blog as part of your digital marketing campaign, then you are already ahead of the majority of other lawyers. Despite their work requiring a great deal of written material to be created, such as depositions and witness statements, many lawyers seem unwilling to write blog content.
This is a huge mistake as having a blog with excellent content posted regularly can create a boost to your online marketing efforts. First, Google loves content and a blog is an excellent way of giving them it, and then seeing your rankings increase. A great blog also provides a way to engage with your website visitors and provide them with great content to grow trust and authority.
For any lawyer contemplating starting a blog, or wishing to improve one, here are 10 simple, yet highly effective tips that can help to boost the benefits your blog generates towards you having a successful digital marketing campaign.
#1 – Focus On Your Audience: At the heart of everything you do on your blog should be your target audience. Write for them, not yourself, and you will greatly enhance your blog’s chances of being successful.
#2 – Ensure Your Posts Are Keyword Optimised: Before writing anything you must carry out keyword research. This allows you to create titles, sub-headings, and content which helps Google establish what your blog is about and thus rank it accordingly.
#3 – Optimise Blog Post Lengths: Best practice is to create content of varying lengths with a minimum of 300 – 500 words. Try not to have too many excessively long posts of over 2,500 words, especially if they are text only.
#4 – Try To Avoid Too Much Legal Jargon: Whilst using legalise will be necessary on a legal blog, try to keep it to a minimum. Bear in mind your audience will not all be lawyers and confusion caused by excessive legal jargon will see them click away.
#5 – Use Visual Media: Legal matters might not excite everyone but make the effort to make all your posts more appealing by including media such as images and videos. Visitors will consume this more readily than text-only posts.
#6 – Ensure Your Website Is Mobile Optimised: If you have not done so already, take steps to make your website, and thus your blog, optimised for viewing on mobile devices. This is crucial as more people access the internet via their smartphones than their PCs.
#7 – Include Calls To Action In Every Post: To improve engagement and to help turn visitors into clients, ensure you have a call to action in every post. This can include sharing posts, clicking to another page, or submitting their details for information.
#8 – Repurpose Content: One of the great things about written blog posts is that they can be used as the basis for other content which you can publish elsewhere and link back to your website. Scripts for podcasts or videos, social media content, and amalgamating them into a free eBook, are all options.
#9 – Ensure Each Post Is Optimised For Google: As well as publishing only high-quality content, you can help boost your search engine rankings by ensuring each post is optimised for Google. This includes the metatags, title, and linking internally within your website.
#10 – Always Reply To Comments: Finally, when someone takes the time to comment on a post, always do them the courtesy of responding, This lets everyone see that you engage with your audience.